Welcome to the DCCCLOA

There are no scheduled Board meetings for the months of November and December
Next DCCCLOA Board Meeting will be January 25, 2025.
Whether you're a full- or part-time resident of the Downey's Caney Creek Club Lot Owners' Association (DCCCLOA) or just checking us out for the first time before you make the decision to buy a lot, we're glad you stopped by. This website is where you will find important information and communication from the DCCCLOA. Owners, please take a minute to register on this site so we can include you in any group email communications sent from the Association.

Annual Dues Invoicing and Payment Options

Annual dues invoices have been sent out and/or emailed as of July 22, 2024. All 2024 dues are due by August 31st, 2024. We currently offer electronic payment through our QuickBooks software program, which requires a valid email address.  Invoicing and payment through the DCCCLOA website are not options at this time. If you have not registered as a Lot Owner on this website, please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER This will allow us to utilize your email address for invoicing purposes, if we don't have it on file already. Your information is secure, we will not spam or share your information with anyone. Alternatives to registering on the DCCCLOA website include sending a request for online invoicing to dcccloa@gmail.com. Invoice payments should be mailed to 25150 FM 457, Bay City, TX 77414 or dropped off in the DCCCLOA mailbox at the same address. Additionally, request for phone payments or other billing questions can be directed to dcccloa@gmail.com.

How To Reach Us

If you need to contact the Board, please use the "Contact Us" feature of the website or email-dcccloa@gmail.com. There is a phone number where you can leave a voicemail, but Board prefers email. Remember, the DCCCLOA has no paid staff, only its volunteer Board members. Thank you.

News Articles

DCCCLOA Board Meetings
Posted on Jun 3rd, 2024
The DCCCLOA Board meets on the last Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Sargent Volunteer Fire Department. Please note - there are no meetings held in November and December.
We look forward to having more owners participate!
Be a Good Neighbor - Adhere to Deed Restrictions
Posted on Jun 26th, 2023
The DCCCLOA Deed Restrictions were put in place to create a minimum standard and to help ensure that owners are mindful and respectful of the greater community. Please do your part by keeping your lot/s in compliance and by paying your annual maintenance fees each August.
Do you have questions regarding recommended drainage procedures? Then please take a minute to review the document below. Hopefully, it helps!
Posted on Nov 7th, 2022
Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Posted on Feb 7th, 2022
We thought owners would be interested in reading the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance that was adopted by the Matagorda County Commissioners in December 2020. Its stated purpose is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in flood prone areas. This ordinance particularly applies to new construction and structures being substantially improved (damage or repairs exceed 50% of the market value of the structure). Section F(9) deals with Recreational Vehicles in coastal high hazard areas, of which the DCCCLOA is a part of and specifically mentioned.


Sargent VFD Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
6:30pm to 8pm
Lions Club Bi-Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Lions Club Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, January 4, 2025
8am to 10am
Lions Club Bi-Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Sargent Area Chamber Monthly Meeting
Monday, January 13, 2025
5:30pm to 6:30pm
Sargent VFD Monthly Business Meeting
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
6:30pm to 8pm

Street Lights Paid By DCCCLOA

Your DCCCLOA dues pay for 27 street lights in our area. The majority light up intersections to help with navigation at night. Following is a link to the 27 lights.  Should one of them need to be serviced, please send us an email.  Click here to view the list. 

DCCCLOA Board Members

As per the Bylaws, DCCCLOA Board Members are elected at the Annual Member Meeting, held in August each year. When openings occur, Members can be brought in mid-year. Board Members serve for a term of two years and may serve consecutive terms. Officers are elected annually by the Board at its first meeting following the Annual Member Meeting.
Current Board Members/Officers
President, Ernest Lawson
Vice President, Blue Morris 
Treasurer, Matt Richardson 
Secretary, Randy Shanks, Sr
Member, Kyle Posey
Interested in Joining the Board?
If you have some spare time and are interested in helping your community, please reach out so we can talk to you about becoming a Board member. If you only want to lend a hand occasionally, we need that too!  
It's a great way to meet your neighbors!
Please join us at the next meeting and complete this Board Interest Information Sheet and return to us by email at dcccloa@gmail.com.

Keep Your Account Updated

Please let us know when your mailing and/or email addresses change. This will ensure that you receive invoices, news updates, voting ballots, etc. in a timely fashion. If you haven't given us an email address yet, you can do so by registering as an owner through this website. Registered owners will also receive occasional news and updates from the DCCCLOA. (Note - we don't use the website accounting features at this time, fees can't be paid on this site.) Thanks!

If You See Something - Say Something

Help keep Sargent safe by keeping an eye on your neighborhood and reporting suspicious activity to 911 or the Sheriff - 979-245-5526.
If you are concerned about materials being burned, please call the Environmental Complaint Hot line (888-777-3186). This will connect you to the local Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Regional Office where you can file a complaint.